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We Steal The Interior With Our Hands

Christmas apples with an eyebrow you can build with your hands and steal the holidays.
Serving the table, a new year's interior of your house and making your house even bigger.
cozy, celebrated and solemn.
The Christmas Eyes Removed can also be used as an original gift.
manual work, which will especially be evaluated by amateurs and fans of phen-shui.
It's the apples in the fen shui that symbolize wealth, longitude and prosperity. By presenting the apple,
You mean a gift that symbolizes love and joy, immortality and wisdom, fertility and wealth.
By placing an apple in the interior of your house, according to the feng shui, you will provide your family with peace, goodwill,
Harmony in relations, harmony among all family members, beating and longevity.
Christmas apples with eyebrows
The glazing recipe for the apples is kindly provided by the site. On the pages of the culinary site
You will also find delicious prescriptions for dietary dishes. Of them: tuber-banana tyramis, chocolate jelly,
a dietary pie with a black snot, and salad recipes for the holiday table.
The following ingredients should be prepared for the preparation of the frost:
Sewed sugar cane - 140 grams;
Egg white - 1st;
lemon is a few drops.
The ingredients must be mixed and the mass of the mixer should be at least 10 minutes. The longer you're going to smash,
the better the result. The glazur must be thick and must not leak.
For the first 10 minutes, squeeze the mixer at a high speed, and then (more than 10 minutes) on a small one.
A ready-made eyebrow is placed in a candy bag or a polyethylene bag, in a corner, making a very big deal.
A small hole (less a hole, the smaller the lines will be given when the apple is scattered).
The apples should be washed, wiped and filled with a soft rag.
By writing the apple, we need to put it in a warm space to dry the eye. If your apples are bright,
a little contrasting food colour can be added to the eye.
On the mark: Christmas apples with eye-crossing do not like raw space and use in the open space. They will only be able to enjoy their eyes in a closed and warm space.
Remove the apples, write their eyes, steal the interior and give each other joy. Merry Christmas!
See also:
Пэчворк своими руками в интерьере или как украсить дом
Пэчворк своими руками в интерьере или как украсить дом
Украшаем ДОМ своими руками.Милые мелочи для создания уюта!
Украшаем ДОМ своими руками.Милые мелочи для создания уюта!
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Vlog/3 Украшаем комнату / Декор своими руками / Сакура
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