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Disein Clumb With His Hands

Палисадник перед домом: пример устройства своими руками + варианты оформленияThe part of the land from the house to the carriageway is called a palace, and the fence that separates it from the road is a palad. In a small area, most commonly there are clums, a beautifully designed path leading to home, arc in colours, a combination of low trees and stones. This is a place where the most bold designer solutions can be implemented, and the opportunity to create an original palady in front of the house with his hands.

The variety of homeland areas and their particular features should be known before a palace can be processed.

In terms of openness, the paladians are divided into two types:

  • Open - No fences. The space adjacent to the house is well looked at both the porch and the carriageway.Открытый палисадник Most often, it's a carefully stiff lawn with clumbs and a road leading to the entrance.
  • Clothed are from the streets of a living fence or a fence (coach, brick, wooden, bat, stone, metal net).

Some designers are interested in the owners of the house, which is more important to them: personal preferences or opinions of neighbours and others. Depending on the opinion of the paladians, two varieties were suspended:

  • Russian type. All that is behind the windows of the house should, first and foremost, comfort the hosts rather than guests and neighbours. Accordingly, the view of the windows will be more attractive than the road. The precinct is likely to be closed from all sides of the fence, albeit not always deaf, or a dense living fence.Закрытый палисадник But he'll be decorated by the soul, and by a wooden clerk, and clay figures, and by many plumbs.
  • European type. It's all set by strict standards. Secure geometry of lines, well-trained handicrafts and trees, regular gasolines, flawed colours and paths. An open type is often used to enable anyone to assess the quality and level of design.
Палисадник в русском стиле

Some homeowners choose the design of a palace according to style: Romantic, Mediterranean, Japanese, village.

Many ask how to steal the palace. with your hands. fast and cheap? It's easy to do by creating a non-chicken cutter.

The low stacking is only conditionally performing a decoration function, and it is likely to serve as a decoration and zoning tool. Simple, but careful and ordinary handicaps from the stacket are an option for the hosts who want to try their own self-defense. Having a small set of tools and materials under the hand, it is possible to collect the figure or the simplest garden for the palad.

Европейский палисадник Забор из штакетника Схема строительства забора Разноцветный штакетник
Строим лестницу своими руками Дизайн
Строим лестницу своими руками Дизайн
Флюгер фото. Флюгер своими руками. Флюгер
Флюгер фото. Флюгер своими руками. Флюгер
Клумбы из шин. Клумба из шин своими руками.
Клумбы из шин. Клумба из шин своими руками.
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