Bricks With Their Hands
The Americans believe that they came up with a barbecue, although they recognize that the open-fire process of Spanish conquistadors has been looked at by Peruvian Indians. Nevertheless, the word barbecue or bbq itself is English and is translated as open fire cooking. In the middle of the twentieth century, a spherical motel was invented, followed by a barbecue in fashion. Extremely popular brick kiln Barbecue. Every year, about 100,000 fixed barbecues are built in Russia and 900,000 portables are being implemented.
The choice of barbecue furnace for delivery requires careful consideration not only of their needs but also of real possibilities. The following factors will have a significant impact on the choice:
- Existing area for barbecue. Typically, the furnace shall be placed on the site before the cottage or the dashboard. However, the territory of the site may also be used for this purpose. The dog can even be part of the conversation.
- The financial possibilities of a future barbecue owner.
If you stop your choice on a mobile option, you'll have a portable or wheeled device for a few thousand roubles. Stationary kiln from brick or stone will cost much more. Especially if she's going to have to go to specialists.
- The product. The fire, like the rest of the section, must be seen in harmony. The single style of the house, the surrounding area and all the elements on it is extremely important. Dissonance, not visible in the first place, can start to seriously irritate over time.
The choice should also focus on the fuel on which the oven will operate. Existing models use liquefied gas in cylinders, charcoal or electricity.


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