The Garden Of The Photo
It's a competition called Domish.
Send photos of children and adults for cleaning and business.
The business takes a lot of time, but if we're armed with a convenient toolbox and a strong lead, the result will surprise everyone, and if you're involved in a child's assistant, you'll be yourself. But it's getting clear: it's not for you, it's mud, junk and devastation! Send photos that show that your house, your hand, garden, garden, car and bicycle are in secure and experienced hands.
Conditions :
- Photographs are accepted
Children and adults for cleaning and business.
- Photographs for the contest are downloaded in a photo album.
- Photographs of participants registered in both the group and the resource are accepted
♪ To press "to tell friends under that signature"
Take pictures:
Closed vote: -
Definition of winners:
Photographs of participants are not removed after completion of the photo competition.
The prizes for 3 winners in order of loss.
♪ Ukrainian armor correction
- 0 org per cent for any 3 purchases
♪ Stella Artois beer pack.
Good luck!
Send photos of children and adults for cleaning and business.
The business takes a lot of time, but if we're armed with a convenient toolbox and a strong lead, the result will surprise everyone, and if you're involved in a child's assistant, you'll be yourself. But it's getting clear: it's not for you, it's mud, junk and devastation! Send photos that show that your house, your hand, garden, garden, car and bicycle are in secure and experienced hands.
Conditions :
- Photographs are accepted
Children and adults for cleaning and business.
- Photographs for the contest are downloaded in a photo album.
- Photographs of participants registered in both the group and the resource are accepted
♪ To press "to tell friends under that signature"
Take pictures:
Closed vote: -
Definition of winners:
Photographs of participants are not removed after completion of the photo competition.
The prizes for 3 winners in order of loss.
♪ Ukrainian armor correction
- 0 org per cent for any 3 purchases
♪ Stella Artois beer pack.
Good luck!

Дача сад огород. Как избавиться от кротов. Охота на крота.

Защита от птиц, Дача, сад, огород,

Дача сад огород. Прививка плодовых деревьев. Размножение ...
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