Декоративные поделки для сада

Garden Deals

Of course you can't leave Dad without presents on February 23. And the real, and the potential protectors of the Father will be happy to receive from his son or daughter an old-fashioned piece. You're welcome to this section. By putting his page on, you'll find it very hard to find some of the ideas and craftsmen that you like to create original cards, appendixes, small models of military equipment, medals and souvenirs. And the diversity of artistic performance and inputs will surprise you.

Let's surprise Dad with the unusual and touching gifts from the kids!

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All sections ы The deals by 23 February. Dad's gifts


The PNM manual labour concept in the Tham Preparatory Group: " Papa open " : Fokuev A.

State budgetary pre-school educational establishment of the kindergarten of the 21 elected district of St. Petersburg ...

By 23 February, the boys and I had decided to make a gift, the holiday cards. What we need to do for work: ♪ ♪

Topic: " Protectors of the Father " : Provide children with sustained interest in visual activities. ♪ ♪

May 13, Black Sea Navy Day! A day that few remember. We tried to fix the situation.

The municipal pre-school institution of the " Children ' s Garden No. 97 " , Dzerzinsk, Below City Hall ...

Theme: " Where is Mom and Dad working " Objective: To expand and enrich children ' s perceptions of occupations, labour instruments. ♪

For the third year, our kindergarten has been holding a military parade dedicated to the Great Victory of the WOV, “We remember. ♪

The book, in most Russian families, has always been the priority of spiritual values. But no one... ♪

Поделки в детский сад на 23 февраля. Делаем поделки к 23
Поделки в детский сад на 23 февраля. Делаем поделки к 23 ...
Осенние поделки в детский сад
Осенние поделки в детский сад
Любимые поделки для сада и дачи Паровозики из детства
Любимые поделки для сада и дачи Паровозики из детства
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