клумбы фото,клумбы +своими


Подборка схем посадки цветников из однолетников и многолетниковThere's no clumbing on the precinct. Flowers are unrecognized to transform the homeland even if it does not look particularly representative. Frequently depressed in the autumn winter period, the section with the beginning of the flower season is simply not to find out, so many flowers can steal it and change it. The simplest way. Steal the garden. And the yard is to plant flowers without a special order, but if we use the flower planting schemes, even the simplest, the garden will play special paints. Each flower has its own melody, like every note, and at a good location, your flower orchestra will report positive and harmony and yard and the garden.

The clumba, which uses only one-year flowers, will be very bright and red.Петуния и бархатцы If you don't want to plant every year (and do it only once a year), you can just create magic flower combinations.

What one-year-old flowers are good to create a clumb? There are many. Non-timber, beautifully flourishing plants that can be used to create a flower from single-year-olds are the varieties of balsamina, strawberries, runs, eternal flourishing, cerebral and peritic pulp, salvia, decoration sunflower, georgina, lion zing, pets, Clumbum will also steal grassy decorative plants - perilla, censorship, cochea, coleus et al.

Космея и бегонияThere's a lot to choose. A beautiful clumbium will be possible if you stop your choice on the cosme and the lion of the different colours, planted without a certain order, these flowers will create a clumbum on the maner of the Mauritanian lawn, happy and tender, and saturated shades. Celosia will help put bright accents in the right places, in the middle of the cloam, on the side, on the back.

One-year-olds can be both ground-based and high-plant. High one-year-olds include fluxes, dolphins, bells, amarans.

Схема 2 однолетники Схема клумбы из однолетников Схема клумбы для бабочек Клумба для бабочек
Цветник на клумбе.
Цветник на клумбе.
Олимпийский цветник (клумба)
Олимпийский цветник (клумба)
Клумбы и цветники на даче
Клумбы и цветники на даче
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